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So far HSE Trained has created 3 blog entries.

Traffic Marshals or Banksmen – Presentation

Traffic Marshals or Banksmen are the workers who have taken a course in order to be allowed to direct moving vehicles on and around construction sites. Considering there are about 50 deaths and more than 5000 injuries because of accidents with moving vehicles on construction sites every year, safety measures are mandatory. The course for Traffic Marshals teaches the candidates about the protective personal equipment (PPE) the banksman must be provided with, about the hand signals recommended by the HSE and also about other safety measures like being provided with a good position from where they can work safely. The banksman [...]

Traffic Marshals or Banksmen – Presentation2020-05-25T14:34:03+00:00

Traffic Marshal and Banksman – Course Objectives

Traffic Marshal and Banksman are two terms that describe the person who directs traffic on a construction site. The worker who wants to become a traffic marshal must complete a course in order to be authorized to do such a job. Whether he works with a normal road car, a heavy goods vehicle or a plant machinery, his responsibilities remain the same as long as he attended the traffic marshal course and is certified. Learners should refresh their knowledge every year to become aware of new rules and regulations. The objectives of the Traffic Marshal course are for workers: To learn [...]

Traffic Marshal and Banksman – Course Objectives2020-05-25T14:25:32+00:00

The Traffic Marshals or Banksmen – definition

The Traffic Marshals or Banksmen are the operatives that are trained to direct the movement of vehicles on and around the construction sites. They are allowed to direct reversing vehicles only if they are authorized and trained and only if other control measures cannot be taken. The individuals who are taking this course must demonstrate they have the correct knowledge to direct a vehicle and they must understand the roles of both the driver and the banksman. They must learn the hand signals as they are recommended by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). There are about 50 people killed and [...]

The Traffic Marshals or Banksmen – definition2020-05-25T14:26:13+00:00

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